Tuesday, January 12, 2010

245 days of College Station

245 days of college station was on my gtalk status message a few days ago. This time I was not trying to attract anyone's attention or lure a long lost friend to start a conversation :). Those 245 days were some of the best days I spent in College Station.

Now I am in New Jersey. The birth place of many things and beings. New Jersey has a reputation for the sheer number of Indians living here. For me, it's the birthplace of a lot of things. My first job, car, blog, inexplicable melancholy and a few unforgettable conversations.

At this point of time I really do not know what to write about. I miss College Station, my first home away from home. As I have said before there is something about that place, defined by the people there of course, that is very endearing. And as always, something so close to one's heart has the power to hurt or heal. Yet again, that place is very dear to me and hence has hurt me and helped me heal as well. (Phew...Heavily Metaphorical!!)

Dinu (a guy-friend- ex-neighbor, whom I call God of Small things) says I think too much. Well I guess that is why I love to ink!!! I love writing and would love to become a writer someday. (Wow I sound like Chetan Bhagat!) I liked his new book by the way. Its a good read and has a few good one-liners.

Anu (guy-ex-neighbor-positively a whip- an indigenous Nut Case) had recommended once upon a time that I watch this movie called 500 days of Summer. He had seen it with another friend of ours called Alex (Probably my first very good American gal-pal). I still believe that the company you watch any movie with rubs-off on your liking towards the movie. Anyways, I ended up watching this movie alone and liked it. It's a very ordinary story, really. The difference is in the way it's been told. The best part of the movie is the way it ends. It leaves you..feeling good and with a subtle smile.

Sandhya Venkat!!! We like to call her Sandy. She has this theory about love. She took the help of physics to explain it. Love cannot be created nor destroyed. It can just be passed on. WOW!!

Recently, I was told that girls don't receive compliments very well. They refute the obvious. I was asked why it was so. I said it was because of this inherent nature of women (call it Biology or What not, its true!!!) which longs for more compliments and can never get enough!! :) When I narrated this to Rajeev (An avid Unwound reader, critic and friend) he told me that both himself and Sandeep (my first acquaintance with theater and of course a long time pal) believe this nature to be true especially in me! :P

Everyday I drive about 70 miles (to+fro=70). About 85 percent of this trip is on a freeway. My average speed is about 63 mph. I love the drive. It's a lot of concentration on the vehicles around me and a lot of introspection. As Wordsworth says in one of his poems, blissful solitude :) Life I realized is like a freeway (Bizarre thought, almost elusive!). We leave a few people behind, few people leave us behind and very few keep up till the end.

Saranya, my roomie for a while, was reading this book called The Fountain Head, during the days I spent saying bye to College Station. It's a brilliant book but reading it is like taking a one credit course :). One of the quotes from that book was on her status message. It read something like this: "To Say 'I love you' one must know the definition of 'I'!!" WOW! Give this statement a thought and you'd realize its depth.

I was talking to Shwe (cousin, confidant, friend) the other day. I was showing her the new car over the web-camera (The greatest invention this century has seen according to my parents :)...that should be taken with a pinch of salt!). I have not seen her in one and a half years now. There are a lot of people who I have not seen in 18 months!! That's a record breaking duration for me, I must say.

Most of my friends are in India now, hi-fi-ing with their families and friends. The great poet Kalidasa describes the meeting of Lord Rama and his mother after a 14 year exile, to be as eventful and mighty as hot springs coming in contact with the freezing cold water of the Himalayas and eventually thawing them. Such is the effect these meetings have on people. I still do not know when I will get to go back home.

The above paragraphs have no connection with each other. But that is how life is, after all!! It takes a lot of living (most of the times monotonously so..) to be able to establish connection with the on-goings of life. An unrelated blog comes as a respite at times..what say ;)


  1. Disjointed collection of thoughts and events! Good one. :)

  2. OMG do u actually feel ur meeting wit ur parents will be like rama's meeting with his mother??? Well written on the whole :) love ya.

  3. Very nice :) Thawing... I definitely like that! :) does take a while doesn't it?? ;)

  4. Q: why 245? i thought you were here for more than that.
    and really well written... i like the style
