Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Of the Biographies and Entrepreneurship

Recently I was on gtalk with Chandrika, doing my daily dose of chatting. Man......logging in to gtalk and facebook is as good as your ablutions! So I log in everyday.....jump in to the humdrum-ness of the society and enjoy it too :) (I resolved to get a life in 2011 BTW! :))

So ya... I was chatting with Chan and I remembered that I needed some blog feed (quite literally, things that my blog can feed on, things out of which, I can cough-up something), so I asked her: "Chan give me something to write about", without thinking twice she said, "Kriths, write about me!". And there it was!! My"blog feed".

Every human at the end of the day wants to be heard. Every person needs to feel 'listened to'. Its as simple as that. There lies a certain part within each of us, which wants our story told. By told, I do not mean gossiped about, oh no! Believe it or not its an ego swelling agent :) .The fact that someone would want to spend their time and energy telling your story, makes you feel good, and in today's day and age, mostly everything is about the feel good factor.

OK moving on, if someone asked you, where do you wish to get in life, what would you say? Well, I'd say that its most satisfying when you are able to create employment and are able to engage in charity work. By charity I mean, getting out on the field and doing something yourself, rather than cutting out big fat checks (cheques actually :)) from your father/spouse/anyone-fed bank account.

In India, almost 50 percent the households employ domestic helpers. This form of employment, benefits a lot of people and reminds you that in almost everyone of us, there lies an entrepreneur. I was amazed at how a normal, salaried, middle class-household, like most of ours, can create jobs. Try finding out how your domestic help makes his or her ends meet and that story, to me is a success story, worth being told. There's a saying, 'Stretch as much as your bed will allow you to' and that's exactly what most people do in our country. Never imagined how important the saying was, until I started living it myself.

I always try to stick to one topic, while writing, but that seems impossible. When there is so much going on around us, how is it possible to stay thematic?!! Maybe some blog-meditation should help.....what say :D!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

When Gone Are Those Days

Its snowing this time around the year! What's new one would ask, true, sadly nothing about snow is new! But the way it makes me feel now, as compared to how it made me feel last year, has dramatically changed :) ! I hate all the white around me! Hate is a strong word and that's exactly how I feel about it! Maybe all this is coming out of getting stuck at home all alone during a scary blizzard :)....well maybe!!!

So out of this snow-inflicted boredom came a poem. This is probably tantamount to the worst possible boredom any of you have had ever, some of you might have watched a movie, taken a nap or well..... the options are endless, I decided to write a poem. Its absolutely cynical!! :) What the poem means, is left to you to figure out, if you really want to be a virtuoso :)

Yes, these are random writings,
Repeated if's, but's and may's,
Could meaning lie in musings,
When gone are those days.

So, strong willed you leave,
To take on the yessums and nays,
To feed on memories up your sleeve,
When gone are those days.

It is true, matter of factly,
Character builds with necessary frays,
There is no looking back, now, sadly,
When gone are those days.

You achieve, you get some where,
Having stood still during lulls and sways,
Tougher now, familiarity is rare,
When gone are those days.

Ultimately, down to this, it came,
Either one returns or stays,
But, will it, now, be the same,
When gone are those days.

Finally, inside you, tells a voice,
You go back home, to your own ways,
Hoping you will smile at your choice,
When gone, will be, those days.