Thursday, January 5, 2012


Happy New Year folks. So here we are finally, 2012!!

Say 2012 is definitely the end, I'd make it the best ever beginning to an epic end!! Hence I start by resolving to use the blogosphere to pen down all things that make me smile :) Simple ain't it.... and trust me when I say smile..... it does not mean shopping... nope... no way!!

So let's start with how special 2011 was. Let me tell you, it was a -snow storm/lots of sun/lots of rain/hurricane/hopelessly cold- of a year, oh but definitely fun :)

2011 started with the Crystal Ball Drop at Times Square. Being one of the half a million people in Times Square, standing in the cold for 9 hours to see a crystal ball, dropping a 100 feet (and still in one piece :P) feels pretty good for the first 3 hours. For the next 6 hours, some where between wanting to take that one damned call of nature and coping with numb legs, you are finding a wall to bang your head on :) And finally you shout Happy New Year and make your way back home.

Come February, I decided learning a new language is the answer to boredom :). So Espanol it was! The classes were great and an awesome stress buster. So if its your birthday today and you happen to stop by, Feliz Cumpleanos (Not from Google, OK)

Come April, I manage to get a project in New York City. So I start working there and dignify the experience with a poem on the blog. Learning the do's, don't s and don't ever do's of a job in a big city is a lot of fun; a job and in construction, that too!! I have never been more aware of the fact that I am a lady. Even back home where the gender ratio in construction is heavily skewed, it was not made this obvious :)

Come June, I wake up one day and realize I should probably be swimming (really??). How could I have not continued after giving up at the age of 12. Am guessing its because of a deep cut I received back then when I was swimming. I continue to carry the scar even now but why was that supposed to stop me from trying.... Enough said, I jumped in, head first :)

Come July, I made one of the most futile attempts of my life! I tried to take a flight out of New York City on a rainy day and some how, the Gods went crazy :) !! Its again, one of those experiences you'll keep entertaining people with :)

Come September, I was homesick! One conversation with Shwe was enough to book tickets to India and just for a week :). This visit was very interesting. It changed my take on arranged marriages; actually marriage as an institution. It also made me realize, there is only one place which is called home and for a darn good reason. If anybody tells you that you can't go back home, direct them to go jump!

Come October, I realized that in all this I'd let go of considerable adipose tissue :) The first thing I'd told myself I'd do if this ever happened was to dance. The moment I was asked to perform, I agreed! Was back on the stage after 9 years. Boy that felt good!! :)

Come November, I turned 25 :( The good part, received a sizable insurance refund :) bad part, the eligibility clock had started ticking... just like the Rose in Walt Disney's The Beauty and The Beast. Not that any of this mattered to me, but you know, these people called ma and pa.... oh! you know how they are!! Reality bites, ouch! But the best part of this month was San Francisco! Finally got to see the Pacific Ocean and was thrilled :)

Come December, quite a few interesting rendezvous happened. They all made me realize one very important fact; "Attraction fades away. Comfort alone pulls you through" Now you know why everyone loves their pj's (pyjammas :)) And yes, I spent New Year's Eve watching the ball drop on television (retroactively because I was on CST:)).

In addition to all this, I see blog feeding subjects all around me and yes they make me smile. It could be a lady playing the western violin on the street just for some extra money, or the Occupy Wall Street protest. But lets save it for another day, what say.....